
Pyrrhula pyrrhula

Group: Finches

UK Conservation Status: Not assessed

Main Image


Secondary Image


Tertiary Image

How to identify

The male Bullfinch is unmistakable with his bright pinkish-red breast and cheeks, grey back, black cap and tail, and bright white rump. The flash of the rump in flight and piping whistled call are usually the first signs of Bullfinches being present. They feed heavily on the buds of various trees in spring and were once considered a pest of fruit crops.



Credit: Niels Krabbe / xeno-canto

Beak Colour Black
Conservation Status Not assessed
Diet Seeds, buds and insects (for young).
Feather Cream/Buff, Brown, Grey, Orange, Pink/Purple, Blue, Black, White
Leg Colour Brown
Length 14.5-16.5cm
Habitats Woodland, Urban and Suburban, Farmland
Uk Breeding 190,000
Weight 21-27g
Wingspan 22-26cm

Disclaimer: All bird information is sourced from the RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) and other reputable wildlife organizations. While we strive to keep the information accurate and up-to-date, we do not guarantee its accuracy, completeness, or timeliness. For the most current details, please visit the RSPB site here. Copyright remains with their respective owner.