

These terms and conditions apply between you, the User of this Website (including any sub-domains, unless expressly excluded by their own terms and conditions), Stewart’s Burnby Hall Gardens and Museum Trust CIO, the owner and operator of this Website. Please read these terms and conditions carefully, as they affect your legal rights. Your agreement to comply with and be bound by these terms and conditions is deemed to occur upon your first use of the Website. If you do not agree to be bound by these terms and conditions, you should stop using the Website immediately.

In these terms and conditions, User or Users means any third party that accesses the Website and is not either (i) employed by Stewart’s Burnby Hall Gardens and Museum Trust CIO and acting in the course of their employment or (ii) engaged as a consultant or otherwise providing services to Stewart’s Burnby Hall Gardens and Museum Trust CIO and accessing the Website in connection with the provision of such services.

You must be at least 16 years of age to use this Website. By using the Website and agreeing to these terms and conditions, you represent and warrant that you are at least 16 years of age.

Intellectual property and acceptable use

  1. All Content included on the Website, unless uploaded by Users, is the property of Stewart’s Burnby Hall Gardens and Museum Trust CIO, our affiliates or other relevant third parties. In these terms and conditions, Content means any text, graphics, images, audio, video, software, data compilations, page layout, underlying code and software and any other form of information capable of being stored in a computer that appears on or forms part of this Website, including any such content uploaded by Users. By continuing to use the Website you acknowledge that such Content is protected by copyright, trademarks, database rights and other intellectual property rights. Nothing on this site shall be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right to use any trademark, logo or service mark displayed on the site without the owner’s prior written permission
  2. You may, for your own personal, non-commercial use only, do the following:
    1. retrieve, display and view the Content on a computer screen
  3. You must not otherwise reproduce, modify, copy, distribute or use for commercial purposes any Content without the written permission of Stewart’s Burnby Hall Gardens and Museum Trust CIO.


Prohibited use

You may not use the Website for any of the following purposes:

  1. in any way which causes, or may cause, damage to the Website or interferes with any other person’s use or enjoyment of the Website;
  2. in any way which is harmful, unlawful, illegal, abusive, harassing, threatening or otherwise objectionable or in breach of any applicable law, regulation, governmental order;
  3. making, transmitting or storing electronic copies of Content protected by copyright without the permission of the owner.


Links to other websites

  1. This Website may contain links to other sites. Unless expressly stated, these sites are not under the control of Stewart’s Burnby Hall Gardens and Museum Trust CIO or that of our affiliates.
  2. We assume no responsibility for the content of such Websites and disclaim liability for any and all forms of loss or damage arising out of the use of them.
  3. The inclusion of a link to another site on this Website does not imply any endorsement of the sites themselves or of those in control of them.


Privacy Policy

  1. Use of the Website is also governed by our Privacy Policy, which is incorporated into these terms and conditions by this reference. To view the Privacy Policy, please click here.


Availability of the Website and disclaimers

  1. Any online facilities, tools, services or information that Stewart’s Burnby Hall Gardens and Museum Trust CIO makes available through the Website (the Service) is provided “as is” and on an “as available” basis. We give no warranty that the Service will be free of defects and/or faults. To the maximum extent permitted by the law, we provide no warranties (express or implied) of fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy of information, compatibility and satisfactory quality. Stewart’s Burnby Hall Gardens and Museum Trust CIO is under no obligation to update information on the Website.
  2. Whilst Stewart’s Burnby Hall Gardens and Museum Trust CIO uses reasonable endeavours to ensure that the Website is secure and free of errors, viruses and other malware, we give no warranty or guaranty in that regard and all Users take responsibility for their own security, that of their personal details and their computers.
  3. Stewart’s Burnby Hall Gardens and Museum Trust CIO accepts no liability for any disruption or non-availability of the Website.
  4. Stewart’s Burnby Hall Gardens and Museum Trust CIO reserves the right to alter, suspend or discontinue any part (or the whole of) the Website including, but not limited to, any products and/or services available. These terms and conditions shall continue to apply to any modified version of the Website unless it is expressly stated otherwise.


Limitation of liability

  1. Nothing in these terms and conditions will: (a) limit or exclude our or your liability for death or personal injury resulting from our or your negligence, as applicable; (b) limit or exclude our or your liability for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or (c) limit or exclude any of our or your liabilities in any way that is not permitted under applicable law.
  2. We will not be liable to you in respect of any losses arising out of events beyond our reasonable control.
  3. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Stewart’s Burnby Hall Gardens and Museum Trust CIO accepts no liability for any of the following:
    1. any business losses, such as loss of profits, income, revenue, anticipated savings, business, contracts, goodwill or commercial opportunities;
    2. loss or corruption of any data, database or software;
    3. any special, indirect or consequential loss or damage.



  1. You may not transfer any of your rights under these terms and conditions to any other person. We may transfer our rights under these terms and conditions where we reasonably believe your rights will not be affected.
  2. These terms and conditions may be varied by us from time to time. Such revised terms will apply to the Website from the date of publication. Users should check the terms and conditions regularly to ensure familiarity with the then current version.
  3. These terms and conditions together with the Privacy Policy contain the whole agreement between the parties relating to its subject matter and supersede all prior discussions, arrangements or agreements that might have taken place in relation to the terms and conditions.
  4. The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 shall not apply to these terms and conditions and no third party will have any right to enforce or rely on any provision of these terms and conditions.
  5. If any court or competent authority finds that any provision of these terms and conditions (or part of any provision) is invalid, illegal or unenforceable, that provision or part-provision will, to the extent required, be deemed to be deleted, and the validity and enforceability of the other provisions of these terms and conditions will not be affected.
  6. Unless otherwise agreed, no delay, act or omission by a party in exercising any right or remedy will be deemed a waiver of that, or any other, right or remedy.
  7. This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted according to the law of England and Wales and all disputes arising under the Agreement (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English and Welsh courts.


Stewart’s Burnby Hall Gardens and Museum Trust CIO details

  1. Stewart’s Burnby Hall Gardens and Museum Trust CIO is a company incorporated in England and Wales with registered number CE000837 whose registered address is The Balk, Pocklington, East Riding of Yorkshire, YO42 2QF and it operates the Website
  2. You can contact Stewart’s Burnby Hall Gardens and Museum Trust CIO by email on


The privacy and security of your personal information is extremely important to us. This privacy policy explains how and why we use your personal data, to make sure you stay informed and can be confident about giving us your information.

Your personal data is in safe hands with Stewarts Burnby Hall Gardens and Museum Trust.

We do: use your personal data to help us provide a great experience for you. This includes tailoring the information we share to ensure you find it relevant, useful and timely.

We do: respect your privacy and work hard to ensure we meet strict regulatory requirements.

We don’t: sell your personal data to third parties.

We’ll always protect your personal data and, as part of this, we regularly review our privacy notice so that you can see how we use your data and what your options are. If there are any further changes to the ‘General Data Protection Regulation’ (or GDPR) or related laws, we may need to amend this statement in the future.

A few quick notes:

This privacy policy explains what data we collect as well as how and why we use your personal data

The policy applies to you if you’re a supporter of the gardens (whether that’s as a member, donor, volunteer, visitor or employee) or use any of our services, visit our website, email, call or write to us. In certain circumstances we may also provide an extra privacy notice, which will always refer to this page.

We’ll never sell your personal data. We will never share it with organisations we work with.

Who are ‘we’?

In this policy, whenever you see the words ‘we’, ‘us’, ‘our’ or ‘Burnby Hall Gardens’, it refers to Stewart’s Burnby Hall Gardens and Museum Trust CIO.

If you have any questions relating to this privacy policy or how we use your personal data, please send them to or post them to the Data Protection Officer, Burnby Hall Gardens, The Balk, Pocklington, York, YO42 2QF.

  1. What personal data do we collect?

We will collect and use your personal data (this means any information which identifies you, or which can be identified as relating to you personally, such as your name, address, phone number, photo, email address or member number). We’ll only collect the personal data we need and we’ll make it clear at the point of collection why we are collecting it.

This personal data you give us may include your name, title, address, date of birth, age, gender, job title, demographic information, email address, telephone numbers, personal description, photographs, CCTV images, attitudes, and opinions.

We may automatically collect information as you use our digital services such as the online member application, payment portal and our website. This may include the pages you have visited, information about the device or browser you are using, any errors you encountered and data relating to any online transactions such as the order number for memberships, donations, and renewals.

In whatever way you interact with us, such interaction may create other items of personal data. This could include details of how you’ve helped us by volunteering or by supporting our campaigns and other activities such as purchasing event tickets. If you decide to donate to us, we may also keep records of when and how much you give to support our cause.

  • Information from third parties

We may, at times, buy anonymous external data (such as census data) and combine it with your personal data to help us assist you in finding the services and products that you are looking to receive from us. Even if we do this, your data stays with us, and is never shared with anyone else.

  • Sensitive personal data

We sometimes have to collect and use ‘sensitive personal data’ on our employees and volunteers. This is defined as information about racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or other similar beliefs, trade union membership, physical or mental health, sexual life, and criminal allegations, proceedings or convictions. At times we’ll collect sensitive personal data to help us monitor equal opportunities, and to research whether we deliver great experiences for everyone, regardless of their background or beliefs, but this is only ever analysed at an aggregate rather than individual level.

  • Volunteer

If you’re a volunteer we may collect extra information about you (such as references, criminal records checks, details of emergency contacts or medical conditions). We will keep this information for legal or contractual reasons, to protect us (including in the event of an insurance or legal claim), and for safeguarding purposes.

  • CCTV

At Burnby Hall Gardens, your safety and the security of our staff are of paramount importance to us. To enhance site and staff safety, we have implemented a comprehensive Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) system. This system includes the capture of both video and audio recordings.

Purpose of CCTV Recording
The primary purpose of our CCTV system is to maintain a safe and secure environment for all visitors and staff. Our CCTV system records both video and audio to effectively address the following objectives:

  • Site Safety: CCTV helps us monitor and maintain the safety and security of the entire
    Burnby Hall Gardens site. This includes protection against theft, vandalism, and
    unauthorized access.
  • Staff Safety: We record audio in the Visitor Centre as an additional measure to
    safeguard our staff. This enables us to monitor interactions and, when necessary, limit incidents of verbal abuse, ensuring a respectful and secure workplace for all employees.
  • Visitor Safety: CCTV contributes to the overall safety of our visitors by providing a secure environment. In the rare event of an incident, recorded audio and video can assist in investigations and ensure an appropriate response.

Retention Period
To ensure compliance with privacy regulations and to meet our security objectives, we retain CCTV recordings for a period of 30 days. After this period, recorded data is automatically deleted unless required for a specific incident or legal obligation.
Burnby Hall Gardens is committed to transparency, safety, and security. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in helping us maintain a safe and enjoyable environment for all.

  1. Children’s Personal Data


  • Family membership

Children under 16 are included on family memberships and are members of Burnby Hall Gardens. We collect their names and dates of birth to ensure they get the correct admission fee to our estate.

  • Employment and volunteering opportunities

We don’t want to exclude under-18s from exciting opportunities to support our work through employment opportunities such as work experience or by volunteering. We may therefore need to collect and store their personal information as set out in the volunteering and employment sections of this document.  Children should always ask a parent or guardian for permission before sending personal information to anyone online.

  1. What else do we generate from your personal data?

We may conduct research and analysis on the information we hold which can in turn create further personal data. For example, by analysing your interests and involvement with our work we may be able to build a profile which helps us decide which of our communications are likely to interest you. The sections Research and Profiling give more detail about how we use information for profiling and targeted advertising, including giving you more relevant digital content. We use this information to identify ways in which you could support Burnby Hall Gardens and invite you do to so if appropriate.

This analysis may be carried out by us or by third party organisations working for us.

We may also host encrypted personal data on third party websites (for example, social media platforms) to ensure you only see relevant, personalised and interesting content from those organisations.

  1. How we use your personal data

We’ll only use your personal data on relevant lawful grounds as permitted by the EU General Data Protection Regulation and Privacy of Electronic Communication Regulation.

We will use your personal data for the purpose or purposes outlined at the time you gave it to us. This may have been during the course of a sale, when signing up for membership or when simply visiting our website.

We use this information:

  • to provide the service, product or essential information you expect from us
  • where you have given us your consent to do so, to keep you informed about: visiting our estate, volunteering with us, membership, events, conservation work, fundraising, and our shop.
  • to enable trusted partner organisations to perform services on our behalf or to help us understand our supporters more effectively.
  • to better understand how we can improve our services for you

We may also need to provide your personal data if we’re asked by the police, or any other regulatory or government authority investigating suspected illegal activities.

Below are the main ways we will use your data. These all depend on the nature of our relationship with you and how you interact with and use our various services, websites and activities.

  • Providing our services to you


We use the personal data you provide as a member to fulfill your membership. This includes posting providing information about renewals to annual members by mail and email. It’s also used to check who you are when you contact our Visitor Support.

We also scan membership cards at our places to check you are entitled to free entry.

Retail sales, and events management

We process customer data in order to fulfil bookings and retail activities. Your data will be used to communicate with you throughout the process, including confirming we’ve received your order and payment, to confirm dispatch, to clarify where we might need more detail to fulfil an order or booking, or to resolve issues that might arise with your order or booking. We, or our café franchisee, may also hold dietary requirements for weddings and events.

  • How we share your data

We will not sell your personal information to a third party.

We may share your information with partners to allow them to perform services on our behalf. Where applicable we have contracts in place with our suppliers, which require them to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation and The Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (or PECR), and to have robust systems and processes to protect the security of your information.

We may provide your email address to digital advertising companies who work on our behalf, such as SendinBlue. This is so we can reach you and others like you with information about how you can support our cause if you have opted in to our marketing options. This data is always provided in an encrypted format and is deleted as soon as it is no longer required. If you don’t want to see targeted advertising from us on social media, please refer to the instructions provided by the social media site, for example on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Google.

Below are some examples of the types of organisations with which we may share your data:

  • Advertising partners – to enable us to ensure our advertising is relevant to the recipients. (such as membership newsletters)
  • Analytics partners – to enable us to track the effectiveness of our website
  • Social media partners – so that we can effectively communicate with our supporters on social media platforms.
  • Website partners – to help us develop websites that give our customers the best possible online experience.
  • EPOS Providers – to securely store your data on encrypted servers so we can access the information we need locally on our network.

For further detail on the processes used to share your information please contact

5.4 Cookies and links to third party websites


Cookies are small text files stored on your computer when you visit certain websites. We use first-party cookies (cookies that we have set, that can only be read by our website) to personalise your online experience. We also use third-party cookies (cookies that are set by an organisation other than the owner of the website, in this case Burnby Hall Gardens) to help us measure and analyse the use of our website and to provide targeted advertising. You can control the use of cookies via your browser. You can find further information in the Burnby Hall Gardens’ cookie policy.

How do I change my cookie settings?

Cookies can be controlled by your web browser settings. Whether our cookies are used will depend on your browser settings, so you are in control. To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them, please use the following links:

Further information on cookies and how to manage your cookies can be found in the Burnby Hall Gardens Privacy Policy.

Links to other websites

Our website may, from time to time, contain links to and from the websites of our partner networks, advertisers and affiliates. If you follow a link to any of these websites, they will have their own privacy policies for which we do not accept any responsibility or liability.

  • Marketing Communications

Members are able to agree to receive marketing information from us, but you can always change your mind at a later date. For more on withdrawing your consent, please see the information in section 9 under Your data protection rights. We’ll never share your information with companies outside Burnby Hall Gardens.

Marketing to young people

We won’t send marketing emails and letters or make marketing calls to people under 13. We won’t send any marketing communications requesting donations to young people aged between 13 and 17, but we will send them information on how to fundraise on our behalf if  they specifically request this.

5.6 Fundraising, donations and gifts in wills

Where we have your permission, we may invite you to support conservation work by making a donation, buying a raffle ticket, getting involved in fundraising activities or leaving a gift in your will.

Occasionally, we may invite supporters to attend events where they can find out more about the ways donations and gifts in wills make a difference. We’ll keep a record of which events you are invited to and whether you were able to attend.

If you make a donation, we may use any personal information you give us to record the nature and amount of your gift, claim Gift Aid where you’ve told us you’re eligible, thank you for your gift or let you know if you have won a raffle prize. If you interact or have a conversation with us, we may note anything relevant and store this securely on our systems.

If you tell us you want to fundraise to support our cause, we’ll use the personal information you give us to record your plans and contact you to support your fundraising efforts.

Charity Commission rules require us to know where funds have come from, as well as any conditions attached to them. We follow a due diligence process which involves researching the financial soundness, credibility, reputation and ethical principles of donors who’ve made, or are likely to make, a significant donation to Burnby Hall Gardens.

As part of this process we may carry out research using publicly available information and professional resources that we have access to.

Major gifts

Where we have your consent to do so, we may use your contact information to invite you to meetings and events; send information about conservation projects you may be interested in supporting; and update you on the impact your support is making. As a conservation charity reliant upon fundraised income, it is in our legitimate interests to use personal information in the ways described below, to help us understand our supporters and potential supporters, tailor our communications and use our resources effectively:

  • If we invite you to an event or to meet with one of our fundraisers, or if we are in discussions with you about how you can support us now or in the future, we will use your personal information to ensure that we can have a more informed conversation with you:
    • if you are a Burnby Hall Gardens member this typically includes: contact and membership details; the amount and purpose of any previous donations; a record of communications we have sent or received from you.
    • we may note conversations and interactions we have with you where it is relevant to your relationship with us.
  • We may use your information in an aggregated format to help us understand the profile of supporters like you, so that we can target our communications more effectively in future and use our resources as cost effectively as possible.
  • We may also conduct research to understand areas of our work that you may be interested in supporting. Where we do this, we may use publicly available information, such as: professional profiles (for example, corporate biographies and/or LinkedIn profiles); search engine and public social media results; resources such as Companies House and the Charity Commission; and third-party publications We may also use third-party aggregators of publicly available information to review financial, philanthropic and professional information. If you would rather we did not do this, please just let us know and we will, of course, respect your wishes.
  • In line with Charity Commission requirements, we follow a due diligence process to assess the financial soundness, credibility, reputation and ethical principles of donors who have made, or are likely to make, a significant donation to Burnby Hall Gardens. As part of this process we will conduct research using the methods referenced above.
  • We are committed to looking after your data carefully and we store your personal data on our secure systems. If you are attending a meeting or event, we may need to share some basic information about you with staff, Trustees or advocates who are helping us to fundraise on a voluntary basis. It is only shared with those who need to know the information for the purposes set out in this privacy notice, when they need to know it.

If you want to change whether or how you hear from us, or have any questions about the data we hold or how we long we hold it, please contact our data controller at

Gifts in wills

If you’ve told us that you have left a gift in your will, or are thinking about doing so, we will keep details of this. If we have a conversation or interaction with you (or with someone who contacts us in relation to your will, such as your solicitor), we’ll make a note of these throughout your relationship with us, as this helps to ensure we direct your gift as you wanted.

Where a donor has passed away and we are in the process of receiving their legacy gift, we will process personal data of individuals involved in the estate administration for the purpose of ensuring our compliance with legal obligations in receiving and using the legacy gift for our charitable purposes. Access to this personal data is restricted and stored for as long as necessary to administer your legacy. More detailed information about use of personal data for this purpose is provided to the estate Executors, Trustees or their professional advisors during the legacy administration process and can be found below.

We rely on legitimate interests to process personal data of individuals involved with the supporter and their estate. Where we would like to process data that is not for the direct purpose of the legacy administration process, we will seek specific consent from an individual – for example, if we would like to remain in contact with a donor’s relative to update them on how the legacy has been used to benefit a specific area of Burnby Hall Gardens’ work.

Where we collect personal data from

  • Executors, Trustees, solicitors and any other professional third party instructed in the legacy administration process.
  • Third parties, such as SendinBlue mailing service
  • Copies of wills either provided by Executors, Trustees or other professionals acting in the administration, or publicly available online.
  • Other co-beneficiary charities that have a similar interest to us under the will
  • The public domain

Whose personal data we collect

  • Donors who have left us a gift in their will.
  • Employees of organisations that we need to communicate with during the administration process including charity legacy officers, solicitor employees, estate agents etc.
  • Executors of the estate and Trustees of Will Trusts, who may be family or friends of the donor, or a professional advisor such as a solicitor, accountant or banker.
  • Other individuals named as beneficiaries in a will, including those who have a life interest in an ongoing Will Trust.
  • Next of kin and or family members that we seek permission to thank and report on the progress of a legacy gift and how it has benefited Burnby Hall Gardens.

What data do we collect for gifts in wills?

  • Home address and contact details
  • Co-beneficiaries’ level of entitlement to any gifts or share of an estate in which we receive a benefit.
  • Telephone, email, internet, fax, instant messenger use or other electronic communication details where provided to us.
  • Sensitive personal information such as health status, if it is pertinent to the legacy case and there is a clear reason for doing so.

How do we use gifts in wills data?

  • We will only use personal information for the purposes of the legacy administration process, the purposes for which it was obtained. For example we will not use personal data to market or fundraise from the Executor or next of kin without their express consent to do so.
  • We only share your information internally where it is directly relevant to those who need to know, when they need to know it.
  • We may need to share your information with ‘data processors’ such as associated organisations and agents who provide us with a legacy administration service or other charity beneficiaries who have a similar interest to our own. These ‘data processors’ will only act under our instruction for use and security of your data.

How do we store gifts in wills data?

  • Personal data is stored on our electronic system made by K3 BTG and is a restricted access directory. Any paperwork containing personal data is kept to a minimum, locked away when not in use and securely destroyed when no longer needed. Our systems are subject to Burnby Hall Gardens security policies.
  • Personal data is held for as long as is necessary to ensure our legal entitlement is administered without challenge. Some legacy administration cases can be ongoing for long periods, for example in a life interest case where we have an interest in an asset that someone else is entitled to live in during their lifetime. There may be some cases where a longer retention period is required, for example where the Trust is acting as Executor or Administrator and has an ongoing duty to comply with conditions attached to the gift.
  • Managing volunteers

We need to use your personal data to manage your volunteering, from the moment you enquire to the time you decide to stop volunteering with us.

This could include:

  • contacting you about a role you’ve applied for or which we think you might be interested in.
  • processing expense claims you’ve made
  • recording shifts you’ve booked
  • recognising your contribution
  • asking for your opinions on your volunteering experience
  • next of kin details
  • Research

We carry out research with our supporters, customers, staff and volunteers to get feedback on their experience with us. We use this feedback to improve the experiences we offer and ensure we know what you find relevant and interesting.

If you choose to take part in research, we’ll tell you when you start what data we will collect, why and how we’ll use it. All the research we conduct is optional and you can choose not to take part. For some of our research we may ask you to provide sensitive personal data (for  example, ethnicity). You don’t have to provide this data and we also provide a ‘prefer not to say’ option. We only use it at an aggregate rather than individual level (for example, for reporting on equal opportunities).

  • Profiling

We know it’s important to our supporters that we use our resources in a responsible and cost-effective way. This is why we sometimes use automated profiling and targeting to help us understand our supporters and make sure that:

  • our communications (for example, emails) and services (for example, our website) are relevant, personalised and interesting to you.
  • our services meet the needs of our supporters
  • we only ask for further support and help from you if it’s appropriate
  • we use our resources responsibly and keep our costs down

To do this we’ll analyse how you interact with us (for example, on our website or at the places where you use your membership card) and use both geographic and demographic information to let you know what’s happening at the gardens (like warnings about firework displays).

The personal information we collect includes transactional information (for example, order number) for memberships, card scans, donations, renewals, and shop purchases.

Much of the information we collect is aggregated, which means we look at it as a whole rather than at an individual level. However, we may also collect some personal data to personalise your experience, tailor our marketing campaigns to your interests, and ensure the website is functioning as we want it to.

If you’ve agreed we can contact you for marketing purposes, we may also gather additional information about you from external sources, for example, updates to address and contact information, or publicly available information regarding your wealth, earnings and employment at an aggregate level.

Data Aggregation is any process in which information is gathered and expressed in a summary form, for purposes such as statistical analysis. A common aggregation purpose is to get more information about particular groups based on specific variables such as age, profession, or income.

We may also use personal data to create profiles which help us target our communications, to you and to other people. For example, we may use your membership data to ensure you don’t see adverts about membership online. Or we may use your personal data to find online users with a similar profile to you who may also be interested in our products or services.

We may sometimes use third parties to capture some of our data on our behalf, but only where we are confident that the third party will treat your data securely, in accordance with our terms and in line with the requirements set out in the GDPR.

We won’t profile anyone under the age of 18.

  • Recruitment and employment

If you work for us, or apply for a job with us, we will process your personal data, including sensitive personal data, to comply with our contractual, statutory and management obligations and responsibilities.

This data can include, but isn’t limited to, information relating to your health, racial or ethnic origin, and criminal convictions. In certain circumstances, we may process personal data or sensitive personal data without explicit consent. You can find further information on the data we collect and why below.

Our contractual responsibilities include those arising from a contract of employment. This includes, but is not limited to, data relating to: payroll, bank account, postal address, sick pay, leave, maternity pay, pension and emergency contacts.

Our statutory responsibilities are those imposed by law on us as an employer. This includes, but is not limited to, data relating to: tax, national insurance, statutory sick pay, statutory maternity pay, family leave, work permits and equal opportunities monitoring. We will use a unique identifier such as your National Insurance number to identify you so that we can carry out necessary right to work and other employment checks.

Our management responsibilities are those necessary for the way the organisation functions. This includes, but is not limited to, data relating to: recruitment and employment, training and development, absence, disciplinary matters and contact details.

  • Use of sensitive personal data

As explained in Section 2, in certain limited circumstances, we may legally collect and process sensitive personal data without requiring the explicit consent of an employee or volunteer.

(a) We will process data about an employee’s health where it is necessary, for example, to record absence from work due to sickness, to pay statutory sick pay, to make appropriate referrals to the Occupational Health Service, and to make any necessary arrangements or adjustments to the workplace in the case of disability. This processing will not normally happen without the employee’s knowledge and, where necessary, consents.

(b) We will process data about, but not limited to, an employee’s or volunteers racial and ethnic origin, their sexual orientation and their religious beliefs, but only where they have volunteered such data and only for the purpose of monitoring and upholding our equal opportunities policies.

(c) We will hold data about an employee’s or volunteer’s DBS Check as necessary.

  1. How we secure your data

We want to keep our customers, members, volunteers, employees and contractors safe, so the security of your data and of our information systems is incredibly important to us.

External threats to our data security are changing all the time, so we have a robust process for assessing, managing and protecting all of our new and existing systems to ensure they are up to date and secure.

Any staff who have access to your data in any way will complete GDPR training to reenforce their responsibilities and requirements to secure your data.

When you trust us with your data we will keep your information secure to maintain your confidentiality. Whenever your information is stored or transferred, we use strong encryption to minimise the risk of unauthorised access or disclosure. You can check this when you enter information on our website by right clicking on the padlock icon in the address bar.

We also work with K3BTG, our Point of Sale and Database handler to ensure the safe storage of all member and customer data.

  • Storing information

Burnby Hall Gardens’ operations are based in the UK and we store all of your data within the European Union (EU). Some organisations which provide services to us may transfer your data outside the European Economic Area but we’ll only allow this if your data is adequately protected. Some of our systems are provided by US companies and while it is our policy that we prefer data hosting and processing to remain in the EU, it may be that using their products results in your data being transferred to the USA. However, we only allow this when we are certain your data will be adequately protected in accordance with US Privacy Shield or Standard EU contractual clauses.

  • Payment card security

Burnby Hall Gardens payment processor (Worldpay) has an active PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) compliance programme. This is the stringent international standard for safe card payment processes. As part of our compliance, we ensure that our IT systems do not directly collect or store your payment card information, such as the full 16-digit number on the front of the card or the security code on the back.

Our online payment solutions are carried out using a ‘payment gateway’ (such as Worldpay) which is a direct connection to a payment service provided by a bank. This means that when you input card data into the payment page, you are communicating directly with the bank and the bank passes your payment to us. This means that your payment card information is handled by the bank and not processed or held by us.

  1. Disclosing and sharing information

We do not sell or share your personal information for other organisations to use.

When we allow third parties acting on behalf of Burnby Hall Gardens to access your information, we will always have complete control of what they see, how long they see it for and what they are allowed to do with it.

Where necessary, we may share the personal data we collect and process with:

  • Third party research organisations
  • Third party IT providers, for example who host the website or provide IT support

Also, under strictly controlled conditions, we will share personal data with:

  • Contractors
  • Service providers
  • Advisors

We may also disclose your personal information to third parties in order to comply with a legal obligation, or to enforce other agreement. It may also be used to protect the rights, property or safety of Burnby Hall Gardens and our members, supporters and visitors. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organisations to protect against fraud.

  1. Your data protection rights

Individuals have certain rights over their personal data and data controllers are responsible for fulfilling these rights. Where we decide how and why personal data is processed, we are a data controller and have provided further information about the rights that individuals have and how to exercise them below.

  • Access to personal data

You have a right of access to personal data held by us as a data controller. This right may be exercised by emailing us at,

or write to us at:

The Data Controller,

Burnby Hall Gardens

The Balk, Pocklington

YO42 2QF

You may be asked to provide the following details:

  • The personal information you want to access
  • Where it is likely to be held
  • The date range of the information you wish to access.

We will need you to confirm your identity. If we hold personal information about you, we will give you a copy of the information in an understandable format together with an explanation of why we hold and use it. We will aim to respond to any requests for information promptly, and in any event within the legally required time limits (30 days). This timeframe may be extended by up to two months if your request is particularly complex.

  • Withdrawal of consent

Where you have given consent for Burnby Hall Gardens to use your personal data, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. You also have the right to ask Burnby Hall Gardens to stop using your personal data for direct marketing purposes. To stop receiving an email from a Burnby Hall Gardens marketing list, please click on the unsubscribe link in the relevant email received from us.

  • Amendment of personal data

We want you to remain in control of your personal data.

When practically possible, once we are informed that any personal data processed by us is no longer accurate, we will make corrections based on your updated information.

Alternatively, you may:

Call us:

Telephone 01759 307125, 10.00am-4.30pm Mon – Sunday & bank holidays

The verification, update or amendment of your personal data will take place within 30 days of receipt of your request and you may be asked to fill in a data change or deletion request to fulfil this.

  • Other data subject rights

This privacy and GDPR policy is intended to provide information about what personal data we collect about you and how it is used. As well as rights of access and amendment referred to above, individuals may have other rights in relation to the personal data we hold, such as a right to erasure/deletion (‘right to be forgotten’), to restrict or object to our processing of personal data and the right to data portability. There may be other legal reasons why we need to process your personal data, but please tell us if you don’t think we should be using it. If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please send an email to, or write to us at The Data Controller, Burnby Hall Gardens, The Balk, Pocklington, YO42 2QF.

  1. When we use Legitimate Interest

We sometimes use Legitimate Interest as our legal basis for processing personal data. We always conduct a Balance Test when doing this, weighing the protection of your rights and personal data with our use of your data to continue supporting our interests. These Balance Test are assessed by our Data Controller to ensure that the rights of our supporters are maintained.

We use Legitimate Interest in some limited circumstances, in the following areas of our work: Volunteering, Membership, Data Analysis, Our Website, Fundraising, Marketing.

  1. What to do if you’re not happy

In the first instance, please talk directly to us, so we can learn from and resolve any problem or query. You can send an email with the details of any data protection complaint to We will respond to any complaints we receive.

You have the right to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (“ICO”) (the UK data protection regulator).  For further information on your rights and how to complain to the ICO, please refer to the ICO website.

About this privacy policy

Please check the above policies before you submit any personal data on this website or to us in person. This privacy policy applies solely to the personal data collected by Burnby Hall Gardens.

We’ll amend this privacy policy from time to time to ensure it remains up to date, shows how and why we use your personal data, and reflects any new legal requirements. Please visit our website to keep up to date with any changes. The current version will always be posted on our website.

Burnby Hall Gardens and Museum Trust C.I.O. (The Trust) sell and issue tickets for entry to Burnby Hall Gardens & Museum either through our online booking platform or from our Visitor Centre.

Issue of e-tickets

Once a booking has been confirmed the e-ticket(s) will be sent to the e-mail address specified. It is your responsibility to check prior to purchase that the information supplied to Burnby Hall Gardens & Museum in respect of the e-ticket requirements is accurate.

Burnby Hall Gardens & Museum is only responsible for issuing e-tickets in accordance with the information you provide.

At the time of purchase, you and, if specified, the recipient of the ticket will be provided with a booking reference number. Please keep this separate from the e-ticket, as in the instance of lost or deleted e-tickets the ticket holder will not be able to gain entry to the Gardens without the booking reference number.

You must not resell, auction, donate (other than to the named gift recipient), offer for sale, or advertise Tickets for sale via the internet or elsewhere.

Tickets must be bought or obtained only directly from us online or in person at our Visitor Centre.

We reserve the right to refuse to sell or distribute to individuals, companies, or agencies who we suspect have resold, or intend to resell Tickets or who we suspect have otherwise contravened, or intend to contravene, the conditions.

A Ticket obtained in contravention of the conditions, or which in our reasonable opinion is being used or is intended to be used in contravention of the conditions, shall be void.

  • All rights conferred or evidenced by such Ticket shall be nullified. This may include you being refused entry, or the Ticket being cancelled, without notification. No compensation will be provided, and we reserve the right to withhold any refund. Any person seeking to use a Ticket obtained in contravention of the conditions whether used in order to gain access or remain at the Gardens will be a trespasser and will be liable to legal action and subject to ejection.
  • Tickets remain our property at all times.
  • You must not use Tickets as prizes in promotions, hospitality or travel packages, auctions, lotteries, or competitions (including charity auctions, lotteries, or competitions) without our prior written consent.

Ticket Purchase, Refunds and Validity

Once purchased the dates for which an e-ticket has been purchased may not be changed. Payments for e-tickets are non-refundable, except in the circumstances of the Gardens being closed for the full day on the specified ticket date or in the circumstances outlined in our refund policy below.

Notification of exceptional closures of the Gardens will be posted on our website and Facebook page.  As the Ticket is for a specified period, you do not have any right to cancel under the Consumer Contracts Regulations or otherwise.

Once the ticket holder has visited using the e-ticket purchased it will be void and cannot be used again. Tickets are only valid for the period specified on the Tickets.

On arrival at Burnby Hall Gardens & Museum, the following will be required to validate an e-ticket purchased through this website:

  • A legible print-out of the e-ticket or by showing the confirmation email on a mobile phone, which will be scanned. Failure to bring either of these may delay the admission process. Please note that, if using a mobile phone, the ticket holder must also bring with them the reference number in case of a poor reception at the Visitor Centre.
  • Burnby Hall Gardens & Museum reserves the right to charge the normal Gardens admission prices to any persons not able to validate their e-ticket in the above manner but who still wish to enter.
  • Please note that all ticket prices are subject to change without prior notice and may vary through different sales channels (e.g. website and at the Visitor Centre).
  • Any additional persons wishing to enter with a holder of an e-ticket will be required to pay the Burnby Hall Gardens & Museum admission prices as stated at the Visitor Centre. Should the Gardens be fully booked on that day, additional persons may be refused entry to the Gardens.


Payment Methods

At Burnby Hall Gardens, we offer various convenient payment methods to enhance your experience:

  • Card Payments: We accept major credit and debit cards, including Visa and MasterCard, for quick and secure transactions.
  • Cash Payments: We accept cash payments in British Pounds (£). Please note that we only accept cash in “general circulation” as defined by the Royal Mint. We do not accept coins or payment methods designed as limited edition collectables or gifts. Coinage matching this and up to £2 in single worth will be accepted.
  • Cheque Payments: We accept payments made by cheque from individuals and business customers. Please make cheques payable to “Stewarts Burnby Hall Gardens and Museum Trust.”
  • Official Vouchers: We welcome official vouchers issued by Burnby Hall Gardens, authorized partners, or relevant organizations. These vouchers can be redeemed towards admission and other eligible services.

It’s important to note that invoices can only be requested by business customers. For any invoice-related inquiries or arrangements, please contact our administration team.

We strive to provide flexible payment options to ensure your visit is as enjoyable and convenient as possible. If you have any questions about our payment methods or special payment requirements, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team for assistance. 

Refund Policy

If the Gardens are closed for a whole day on your planned day of visiting and you are unable to come any other time in the validity period of your ticket, then the original purchaser of the tickets will be refunded with the amount that they paid for the ticket(s). The maximum refund payable will be the face value of the ticket(s) for the day concerned.

All refunds, credit vouchers and exchanges are subject to our normal terms and conditions. You will need to provide us with evidence to support your request, such as your track and trace notification.

General Refund conditions

  • Only the original purchaser of the tickets is eligible for refunds.
  • In the instance of the Gardens being closed for the full day due to extreme weather conditions, or other extreme circumstances on your planned day of visit, you should email the Gardens at to request a refund. Wherever possible, and in accordance with the provisions above, refunds will be made automatically by Burnby Hall Gardens & Museum, using the original payment method (i.e. direct to credit / debit card account).
  • Ticket holders will not be eligible for refunds if tickets were purchased from any other source other than through the Burnby Hall Gardens & Museum online ticket portal or from the Visitor Centre, including but not limited to unauthorised ticket agencies, exchange websites or other sources.
  • Refunds will only be given on tickets, according to the terms and conditions.

Promotions and Offers

  • Please read the terms and conditions provided for any promotions or discounts before purchasing e-tickets.
  • Many promotions are only redeemable at certain times and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or discount.
  • Burnby Hall Gardens & Museum reserves the right to decline any promotional voucher.

Classes of Ticket Holders

For the purpose of ticket sales, the following definitions apply:

  • An Adult is a person aged 16 years or over.
  • A Child ticket is valid for a person aged from 5 years to 15 years (inclusive). A child aged under 5 years is admitted free. Children will not be admitted without a responsible adult.
  • A Family ticket is for two adults and up to three children aged from 5 years to 15 years (inclusive).
  • Discounts on the standard adult admission prices are available for groups of 20 adults or more and are available by contacting the Gardens directly by telephone on 01759 307125, post, or e-mail.
  • One registered Carer is admitted free of charge per wheelchair user, visually impaired visitor, or other person whose disability necessitates this.
  • Tickets may only be purchased by persons aged 16 years or above.


Access to Burnby Hall Gardens

  • The Gardens are open every day except for a two-week period covering Christmas and the New Year. However, in exceptional circumstances, for example, heavy snow, ice or high winds, the Gardens, or parts thereof, may be forced to close.
  • Burnby Hall Gardens reserves the right to close any part of the gardens at any time without prior notice or make changes to admission prices as deemed necessary.
  • The visitor must check with Burnby Hall Gardens & Museum before visiting to ensure that the Gardens are open, either by calling the Gardens or checking the website.
  • Opening times vary throughout the year. Please check our website for full details of our Summer and Winter opening periods.
  • The last admission to Burnby Hall Gardens & Museum is 30 minutes prior to the advertised closing time of the Gardens.
  • Re-entry to the Gardens for non-members is only permitted with a ticket valid for the day of your visit.
  • In exceptional circumstances, Burnby Hall Gardens & Museum may be forced to amend or cancel advertised events. If the ticket holder is coming for a specific event or garden feature, they must check with the Gardens or on the Burnby Hall Gardens & Museum website before they visit to check if there have been any event changes or cancellations.


Burnby Hall Gardens reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to refuse entry to or to remove from The Gardens, any person. This includes, but is not limited to, a person who:

  • Has behaved in a manner which, in the opinion of the Gardens staff, has, or is likely to, adversely affect the plant collection in the Gardens or the safety or enjoyment of other visitors.
  • Has used threatening, abusive, or insulting words or behaviour or in any way provokes or behaves in a manner that may provoke a breach of the peace.
  • Is or appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Has behaved in a manner that endangers the health or wellbeing of our fish or birds. This includes throwing items into the lakes, attempting to remove the fish from the lakes for any reason or attempting to harm the fish in any manner.

Burnby Hall Gardens Rules

It is prohibited to take the following into the Gardens:

  • Any weapons, fireworks, smoke bombs, glass bottles, blades, flammable liquids, or other items that may cause injury.
  • Barbeques.
  • Fish food that has not been purchased from our Visitor Centre.
  • Drones or any remote-control planes, helicopters, cars, or boats.
  • Skateboards, rollerblades, roller-skates, cycles, children’s cycles, scooters, and other forms of personal transport (excluding those for disabled visitor access such as wheelchairs and personal mobility vehicles).
  • Pets or animals of any nature, except registered assistance dogs.
  • Musical instruments and sound systems, without prior written agreement.

To prevent these items from being taken into Burnby Hall Gardens & Museum, or items being removed from the Gardens, visitors are admitted subject to a condition that, if requested to do so, they will allow themselves and/or their belongings to be searched by Burnby Hall Gardens & Museum staff.

To keep the Gardens enjoyable and safe for everyone we ask visitors to Burnby Hall Gardens to:

  • Please stay on the designated paths and do not allow children to climb on the Rockery area.
  • Respect the plant collections by avoiding pulling, digging, removing, or tearing plants or trees.
  • Respect other visitors by not playing music through any device that other visitors can hear.
  • Obtain authorisation in advance from Burnby Hall Gardens & Museum before filming or taking photographs of the Gardens for public broadcast, commercial purpose, or student projects.
  • Do not throw any article into the lakes other than fish food purchased from our Visitor Centre.
  • Adhere to signage or instructions placed around The Gardens.

There are no facilities for the storage of luggage at Burnby Hall Gardens. Buggies and pushchairs are left unattended at their owner’s risk and any containers left unattended may be removed for security reasons. Burnby Hall Gardens accepts no responsibility for damage to, or loss of, personal property brought into The Gardens.

From time-to-time, Burnby Hall Gardens & Museum or other authorised parties may carry out photography and/or video recording and/or other monitoring (including by CCTV cameras) in the Gardens, which may feature visitors. By accepting these terms and conditions, the visitor agrees that Burnby Hall Gardens & Museum or any authorised party may use such images in perpetuity in any promotional, advertising or publicity material in any format whatsoever.

The visitor further agrees that copyright in these materials rests with Burnby Hall Gardens & Museum or such authorised party (as the case may be). The visitor agrees also that these images may be used to monitor security and safety within Burnby Hall Gardens & Museum.

Notice of filming for promotional purposes will be posted on entry to the Gardens and visitors will be made aware if promotional footage or pictures are being taken at the time of their visit.

Plants In The Gardens

Please note that due to the unpredictable nature of plant growth and weather conditions, Burnby Hall Gardens & Museum does not offer refunds if plants or flower events are not as expected.

We cannot guarantee what will be on display at the time of the visit and do not guarantee that all plants advertised will be available to view. While we do our best, we also do not guarantee the accuracy of plant or flower labels in the gardens. If you are visiting to see a particular plant, please contact our Visitor Centre on 01759 307125 before visiting..

Data Protection
Under the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulations, Burnby Hall Gardens & Museum is committed to protecting your privacy and security. Whenever you provide personal information, Burnby Hall Gardens & Museum will treat it in accordance with current UK data protection legislation.

In particular Burnby Hall Gardens & Museum will keep your personal information accurate, up-to-date, secure and for no longer than is necessary.

When Burnby Hall Gardens & Museum asks you for personal information, you will be sharing that information only with us unless stated otherwise.

You can opt out of any promotional mailings by emailing

Governing Law and Jurisdiction
These terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of England. Each party submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England.


These are the terms and conditions applicable to members of Burnby Hall Gardens & Museum (“Terms”). In these Terms, “you/r” refers to the Member of Stewarts Burnby Hall Gardens & Museum (or applicant for such status), and “we” and “us” refers to Stewarts Burnby Hall Gardens & Museum Trust (“BHG”).

Benefits of Being a Member

  1. Membership Benefits
    As a member, you are entitled, upon presentation of a valid membership card, to free entry to Burnby Hall Gardens & Museum during normal opening hours, subject to the usual conditions of entry and the exceptions listed in paragraph 4.
  2. Additional Membership Benefits
    Additional membership benefits, such as any reciprocal arrangements we have with local gardens, are referred to on the benefits slip you will receive upon purchase or renewal. Entry to other sites is not guaranteed and is subject to availability and external arrangements beyond our control.
  3. Changes to Benefits
    With the exception of entitlement to free entry to BHG in accordance with paragraph 1.1, we reserve the right to change benefits without prior notice for any reason.

Events / Exceptions

  1. Ticketed Events
    Being a member does not entitle you to free entry at ticketed events, nor does it guarantee the availability of tickets to any such events, but it may grant a discount for selected events.
  2. Variations in Opening Times
    Opening times may vary when a public or private event is held at BHG. It is advisable to contact the property before travelling.


  1. Membership Duration
    Membership is valid for twelve consecutive months from the point of purchase. If you cancel or are unable to use your membership at any stage during this time, refunds or extensions will not be offered in any circumstances, and any outstanding or account balance will be payable in full.

Refund Policy

  1. Right to Refund
    Where you apply for BHG Membership, either online or in person, you have a legal right to change your mind within 14 days of the date of application and receive a refund of membership fees paid. If you have visited the BHG site within that period, you shall be liable to pay the applicable entry fees for such visit(s).
  2. Exclusions to Refunds
    No refunds will be given for memberships bought at BHG, via third parties, or for any redeemed Gift of Memberships. To request a refund, please notify the Visitor Centre Team by telephone, letter, or email within 14 days of receiving your membership. No refunds will be issued after this time.

Membership Application Process

  1. Processing Time
    Memberships (new and renewals) may take up to 28 days from receipt to process, and membership materials will usually be left for collection in the Visitor Centre.
  2. Postal Requests
    If you have specifically requested that membership materials be posted out to you, please contact the Visitor Centre Team if you have not received them within 42 days of your application. We will not be able to grant a refund or extension if you fail to inform us of non-receipt after this time.

Membership Cards

  1. Non-Transferability
    Memberships, membership cards, and any associated benefits are non-transferable and can only be used by the named member(s). Proof of identity may be requested on presentation of your membership card at BHG properties.
  2. Entry Without Card
    Members who are unable to show a valid membership card or ID corresponding with an active membership on entry may be required to pay non-refundable entrance fees before they are admitted.
  3. Lost or Stolen Cards
    Lost or stolen membership cards will be replaced free of charge in the first instance. In all cases, the minimum time taken for replacement cards to be created is 5 working days.

Membership Types

  1. Single Adult Membership
    Entitles individuals aged 16-59 to BHG membership privileges.
  2. Double Adult Membership
    Extends membership privileges to two adults aged 16-59.
  3. Single Senior Membership
    Conveys membership benefits to individuals aged 60 and above.
  4. Double Senior Membership
    Affords membership benefits to two individuals aged 60 and above.
  5. Single Family Membership
    Grants access to one adult and up to three children aged 5-15. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
  6. Family Membership
    Allows admission for two adults and up to three children aged 5-15. Children require adult supervision at all times.
  7. Child Membership
    Encompasses individuals aged 5-15. Entry is contingent upon adult accompaniment.
  8. Lifetime Membership
    This is conferred by the Stewarts Trust for service to the Gardens and carries perpetual validity, subject to visitor terms and conditions, in compliance with governing laws.
  9. Essential Companion Membership
    Accorded to individuals accompanying members with disabilities or requiring additional assistance. Not valid for solitary admission. Please note: Essential Companion Memberships do not include any additional benefits, such as reciprocal visits or discounts on their own, beyond the basic access to Burnby Hall Gardens & Museum.
  10. Complimentary Membership
    Conferred as an esteemed gesture, its validity spans one year.
  11. Volunteer Membership
    Extended to volunteers following six months of service, exclusive to the recipient volunteer, and does not admit family or friends.
  12. Group Membership
    Offered to corporate groups and entities for access, subject to invoicing where applicable. Please note: Group Memberships do not include any additional benefits, such as reciprocal visits or discounts, beyond the basic access to Burnby Hall Gardens & Museum.

Changes in Membership Category**

  1. Annual Membership Changes
    As an annual payer, if you wish to make changes to your membership category during the course of your current subscription, for instance from joint to single membership, please visit us in person. This will be reflected in your next renewal, and no refunds will be issued.
  2. Changes to Member Names
    You may request to change the name of the other person on your membership by completing a change request form. If you wish to add a member, to change from a single to joint membership, we will ask you to pay the difference and issue the new cards.

Membership Renewals**

  1. Renewal Process
    We may contact you approximately one month before your membership is due for renewal, detailing the expiry date of your current membership and any further actions you may need to take in order to continue your subscription.
  2. Member Responsibility
    A renewal contact is not guaranteed, and it is the responsibility of the member to renew at the point of the membership’s expiry date. We cannot guarantee that we will make contact for a renewal.


  1. Offer Restrictions
    Offers and discounts cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotions.

Further Conditions

  1. Revocation of Membership
    We reserve the right to refuse entry and/or membership and/or to revoke membership without refund if the member behaves in a threatening or abusive manner towards any person at the BHG property, damages or threatens to damage any of the collections or property of BHG, or acts in a manner which could bring BHG into disrepute. Your behaviour at BHG is bound by the Visitor Terms and Conditions.
  2. Revocation Without Compensation
    We reserve the right to revoke your membership at any time, without financial compensation, if you commit any breach of these Terms or any terms set out in our Visitor Terms and Conditions or on this website.
  3. Changes to Terms
    We reserve the right to change these Terms at any time without prior warning.
  4. Governing Law
    The validity, construction, and performance of these Terms shall be governed by English law. We and you hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

Contact Information

Burnby Hall Gardens and Museum
33 The Balk, Pocklington, YO42 2QF
Telephone: 01759 307125

Not applicable to Life members.

† Stewarts Burnby Hall Gardens and Museum Trust is a charitable incorporated organisation registered in England. Charity Number: 1155844

  1. The Terms and Conditions directly relating to ticket sales do not apply to purchases or sales via any resale platform or ‘Fan-to-Fan’. 


  1. In these Terms and Conditions “BHG” refers to Stewarts Burnby Hall Gardens and Museum Trust CIO. BHG may sell tickets as an agent on behalf of the organisers, promoters, artists, or producers of an event (referred to as a “Promoter”) or as an ‘in-house’ private event organiser.
  1. You may have to adhere to Government legislation or the Promoter/venue operator’s specific Terms of entry.

Purchasing tickets

  1. Tickets you purchase are for personal use. Except as we may agree, you and your party must not re-sell or transfer (or seek to re-sell or transfer) the tickets in breach of the applicable Terms. A breach of this condition will entitle BHG or the Promoter to cancel the tickets without prior notification, refund, compensation, or liability.
  1. In addition to the ticket price your order may require payment of a booking fee per ticket, a transaction fee per order, and/or other supplementary fees which may apply to the event. Those fees are not refundable except as set out in paragraphs 3, 4, 6, 16, and 35 below.
  1. If you order or buy more tickets than the maximum permitted per person, per card or per household, we may cancel all of the order or tickets, in which case you will be refunded the ticket price and any booking, transaction or supplementary fees you have paid.
  1. To prevent fraud and protect BHG and you, we may carry out checks and/or you may be asked to provide additional information (such as a copy of a credit or debit card statement) after your booking so we can verify your purchase. If we suspect fraud, we may cancel any order or tickets.
  1. You must inform BHG of any change of address, contact phone number or email address, both before and after receipt of the tickets. Our contact details are below. Our preferred method to contact you is email, so you should take care to provide a current, valid email address and be aware that your email filter settings may treat our emails as spam or direct them to your junk folder.
  1. An order for tickets is not complete until accepted by us. We try to ensure all prices are accurate, but errors may occur. If we discover an error in the price of tickets you have ordered we will inform you as soon as possible and we may either cancel the order (in which case you will be refunded the ticket price and any booking, transaction, or supplementary fees you have paid) or give you the option of confirming your order at the correct price.
  1. On rare occasions the show or event may be filmed or recorded. Buying a ticket affirms your consent to the filming and sound recording of yourself as a member of the audience. If you have any objection, should this happen when you attend a show or event, please contact a member of the Visitor Centre team.

Delivery and Collection

  1. Tickets may be despatched to you electronically or by post (including secure, registered, recorded and regular post) or made available for collection at the Visitor Centre.
  1. You will be notified by telephone, email or in writing (using the contact details provided by you) if it becomes necessary to deliver your tickets in an alternative way. Please note the Conditions for the Visitor Centre collection at paragraph 13 below.
  1. For tickets delivered by post, if you have provided an email address you may receive an email confirming despatch of your order. Tickets delivered electronically may be issued at any time from the date of purchase until the date of the event.
  1. We cannot usually specify the dates on which you will receive tickets. If you do not inform us of the non-receipt of tickets within a reasonable time (in any event at least 72 hours before the event) we will have no liability to you.
  1. If tickets sent by post are returned to us marked “addressee gone away”, “addressee unknown” or similar words indicating that you do not reside at the address, your order may be cancelled and the ticket price and any supplementary charges (but not the booking fee or transaction fee) refunded, or your order may be made available for collection at the Visitor Centre.
  1. To collect tickets at the Visitor Centre the named ticket holder must be present. This may require proof of ID. You may use any legally recognised form of ID for this (Driving Licence, Passport etc.)
  1. Always check your tickets upon receipt and advise us promptly of any errors. Mistakes when ordering cannot always be corrected, and any corrections are discretionary.

Cancellation Rights and Refunds

  1. Tickets cannot be transferred, exchanged, or refunded once purchased other than for the reasons set out in these Terms and Conditions. 
  1. If the event takes place but you do not receive the tickets you have purchased for any of following reasons you will be refunded the ticket price and any booking, transaction, or supplementary fees you have paid:
  1. BHG does not receive tickets from the Promoter and cannot arrange for duplicates to be collected at the box office; or
  1. the tickets have been sent to an address different to the one you specified, and you tell us within a reasonable period, as set out at paragraph 11 above, but replacement tickets are not provided; or
  1. your tickets are not despatched, and no arrangements are made for the tickets to be available for collection at the box office.
  1. No duplicate tickets will be issued to replace tickets that have been lost or stolen after they have been delivered to you, and nor will such tickets be refunded.

Cancellation, Change or Postponement of an Event

  1. Decisions to change or cancel events are the responsibility of the Promoter and / or BHG. BHG cannot guarantee to inform you of any change or cancellation of any event or be held responsible for refunds or for any resulting costs you may incur for travel, accommodation, any other related goods or service or other compensation.
  1. You should always check that an event is going ahead at the scheduled date, time, and venue.
  1. If a Promoter cancels an event or makes significant changes to the venue, date, show time or (concerts only) headline act and confirms this to BHG, BHG will try to inform you. This will usually be contacted by letter for phone bookings or email for online bookings. In urgent cases this may be by telephone.
  1. If an event is rescheduled, changed, or moved, the Promoter or BHG will usually give you the option of either retaining or exchanging your tickets for the new date/location though this may not always be the case. If an event is cancelled by the Promoter or BHG you will normally be offered a refund. Please note that the Booking Fee and any Transaction Fees are not refundable in these circumstances. All refunds must be claimed no later than 5 days before the rescheduled date. Refunds will not be issued within 5 days of the event or once the event has taken place.


  1. If for any reason you are entitled to a refund, in most cases you must return any tickets you have.
  1. Please follow the refund instructions otherwise you may not receive a refund. If these require you to return the tickets, do so promptly and within the timeframe communicated to you.
  1. Tickets should be returned (with a copy of the email or letter entitling you to a refund, or a covering note containing your order reference number and contact information) to the specified address by registered post (or an equivalent secure postal method). Please note that the return postage cost is non-refundable.
  1. Any refund will usually be paid, using the same method you used to buy the tickets, within 30 days of the original date of the event or the date that we receive your returned tickets, whichever is later.
  1. For more information about refunds, please contact our Visitor Centre team.
  1. No refunds will be offered under any circumstances if you fail to comply with all Terms and Conditions applicable to those tickets, the venue, or the event (see paragraph 26 below). In other words, unless strictly cancelled by us, or the event promoter, or any other reason set out in these terms and conditions, no tickets will be refunded.
  1. Attending an Event – Health and Safety
  1. BHG organises various events and assumes no responsibility for any loss or damage suffered at or in connection with the event, including the loss, damage, or theft of personal property.
  1. Admission to an event is subject to the Terms, Conditions, or rules outlined by the Promoter and BHG. Failure to comply with these Terms, Conditions, or rules may result in the refusal of admission or removal from the venue without entitlement to a refund.
  1. As an attendee, you are required to adhere to Health and Safety regulations and any security measures put in place (including security searches) to ensure the safety of all participants. BHG and the Promoter reserve the right to refuse admission or eject individuals under certain circumstances. These may include involvement in abusive, threatening, drunken, or other anti-social behaviour, possession of offensive weapons or illegal substances, or unauthorised audio, video, or photographic recordings. Additionally, rules regarding latecomers may restrict or prevent admission.
  1. To ensure the safety and enjoyment of all attendees, please note the following:
  1. Structures: The use of personal structures such as gazebos or tents is not permitted within the event premises.
  1. Balls or Ball Games: The playing of ball games is prohibited during the event to prevent any accidents or disruptions.
  1. BBQs and Cooking Means: The use of BBQs or any cooking means, including open flames, is strictly prohibited on the event grounds.
  1. Please be aware that parking at the event may be limited. While BHG endeavours to provide sufficient parking spaces, we do not take responsibility for any loss or damage that may occur to vehicles parked on the premises or surrounding areas.
  1. BHG will highlight any significant, onerous, or unusual Terms, Conditions, or Rules relating to the event. These may include age restrictions, ticket types, and others. You can find full details of these Terms, Conditions, or Rules through the Promoter, BHG’s Visitor Centre, their website, or during the online booking process.
  1. Prior to finalising your booking, we strongly advise you to carefully read all relevant information pertaining to the event and / or tickets. If you or any member of your party has specific requirements, please notify us during the booking process, and we will do our best to address your query. However, please note that we cannot guarantee the fulfilment of requirements if notified at the event itself.
  1. Upon receiving your tickets, please review their details for accuracy. During the event, it is advisable to carry appropriate proof of age if necessary. While specific seats may be allocated at the time of booking, the Promoter or BHG reserves the right to change these seats to others of equal value.
  1. BHG reserves the right to change any of these Terms without notice any time in advance or during an event.
  1. By attending the event, you acknowledge and agree to comply with all applicable Terms, Conditions, and rules set forth by the Promoter and BHG.


  1. We may share your personal information with Promoters, venue operators, and others as necessary only for the purposes of the event. We will not otherwise share that information for marketing or any other purposes without your consent (as part of the booking process or otherwise) unless required by law.

Please read our Privacy Policy & Visitor Terms and Conditions for more details.